Events & Publications

26. November 2024

Sustainability meets history – GNS on the Weinberg Campus

As part of a short presentation at the Weinberg Campus in Halle, we, GNS, together with other companies, shared exciting insights into our work and the innovations at the site. We particularly highlighted our Magaverde® wine cartons - made from sustainable fermentation residue fibers. This unique packaging combines intelligent use of resources with a strong connection to the history of the Weinberg site.


Renowned winemakers from the Saale-Unstrut wine-growing region, two French wineries and the Weinberg Campus itself on the occasion of its 30th anniversary have already benefited from the advantages of these innovative products. Our appearance not only underlined the importance of sustainable solutions, but also the close connection between tradition and the future at the Weinberg Campus.

Eine Frau im Anzug steht vor einem großen Bildschirm, auf dem
13. - 18. May 2024

Delegation and citizen trip within the framework of the Halle-Grenoble town twinning

An official delegation with the mayor of the city of Halle and members of the German-French Society DFG Halle visited the twin city of Grenoble from May 13 to 18, 2024, exchanged ideas on culture, business and environmental protection and had many interesting encounters. As GNS, we handed over a sustainably produced Magaverde wine box from Halle to the winemaker Thomas Finot from the Finot winery near Grenoble. The atmosphere was simply great and representatives of the city of Grenoble want to support German-French cooperation here and in other projects.

25. April 2024

Lecture at the TecSAS network meeting at the DBFZ in Leipzig

We contributed to the network meeting at the DBFZ in Leipzig with the presentation "Materially usable products and additional added value in biogas production and digestate processing". The TecSAS innovation network focuses on the use of resources along the entire agricultural value chain. The variety of technologies and solutions presented for the sustainable use of resources, materials and water as well as in digitalization impressed us and made it clear once again that there is great potential in such networks that needs to be exploited.

To the website:

22. November 2023

Lecture at the 22nd South German Biogas Conference in Ursbe

In view of increasing bureaucracy, many operators of biogas plants are asking whether and how biogas still has a future. At the South German Biogas Conference on November 22nd, 2023 in Ursberg, there was a lot of information and competent guidance on this. We were there and talked about the possibilities of using fermentation residues as a material.

To the website:


Products made from waste materials, presented at the ACC Forum 2023 in Ostritz

From the idea to finished product samples in a sustainable technological line for the production of Magaverde® wine cartons, we presented our results of the R&D joint project in the Gravomer network (BMBF program WIR!) as part of the scientific conference of the ACC Forum (Academic Coordination Center of the Euroregion Neisse). The projects presented show a wide range of possibilities of how bio-based residues and fibers can lead to sustainable regional bioeconomy systems and what obstacles still exist along the way.

To the website:


30 years of the Weinberg Campus technology park in Halle

Just in time for the 30th anniversary of the Weinberg Campus in Halle, we were able to provide our sustainable Magaverde® wine packaging with a red campus logo and an organic wine from the region. The production of the labels and the wine box - glued with organic glue and printed with organic colors by allesbedruckbar from Merseburg - took place in a technological chain together with partners from the region. Our special thanks go to the Halle workshops for the disabled, where the cutting and gluing took place with a lot of commitment and know-how. The proceeds will go to supporting young talent in the MINT field.

The summer Campus Family Day (website: was an all-round successful event.


3rd abonocare® Conference in Leipzig

Participants of the 3rd abonocare® conference on June 20, 2023 in Leipzig were able to learn how to efficiently recover nutrients from sewage sludge, liquid manure, fermentation residues and organic waste and how to produce sustainable fertilizers. The technologies for intelligent and sustainable nutrient recycling of organic residues, developed and tested jointly by companies and research institutions in the abonocare® growth core, were presented. Their goal is an economical circular economy in which biogenic waste is turned back into resources. As network manager of one of the key topics, Dr. Ute Bauermeister from GNS presented the results of the networking of technologies for nutrient recovery in connection with the fermentation of nutrient-rich substrates.

25th company anniversary of GNS on April 25, 2023

April 25, 2023 was a special opportunity for us to look back on 25 years of scientific and entrepreneurial activity for the sustainable energetic and material use of biomass and waste and to jointly develop new ideas for the future. We would like to thank the Weinberg Campus and all partners for their great support and good cooperation.

March 29 and 31, 2023

state competition "Jugend forscht" in Halle

As supervisors of a student project from the technology department on the topic of "Biofibers as packaging material" we were able to experience the competition on the Weinberg Campus first hand. It was an exciting state competition from "Jugend forscht" and "Schüler experimentieren". Congratulations on so many great ideas! To the website:


Sustainable products presented at the Central German Winegrowing Day in Naumburg

Together with small and medium-sized companies, we presented our new Magaverde® developments and products related to sustainable viticulture at the winegrowing day in Naumburg:

mulch mats in viticulture

gift packaging and wine boxes

labels with organic printing and much more

We support practice partners in the introduction of sustainable products, processes and methods. We pay attention to biodegradable materials and environmentally friendly procedures along the entire process and product chain. This is what our “GNS tested” seal of approval stands for. There were many interesting discussions and contacts.

November 2022

BMBF report: "Paper from digestate fibers"

The report of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research focuses on “Innovation & Structural Change” and reports on our joint project Magaverde Sustainably printable, surface-treated and micro-structureable biofiber paper.

In the GRAVOmer network, together with partners (TU Darmstadt, BENAS Power Group, allesbedruckbar), we have found new ways and methods to give Magaverde® fiber paper made from waste materials the desired surface properties so that they can be printed and processed sustainably. Only ecologically sustainable and biodegradable materials are used in paper production as well as in gluing, printing and coating.

July 2022

Lectures at CARMEN Symposium (Straubing) and Biogas Info Days (Ulm)

Our lectures were held on the topics of “Sustainable products from natural and residual materials in an environmentally friendly circular economy” and “Extraction of plant fibers from fermentation residues”.

To the website:

21-23.06.2022 in Leipzig

Poster presentation at the DBFZ Annual Conference

Together with our project partners, we present the project results of the model project "Sustainable viticulture with weed protection through biodegradable mulch mats in the Saale-Unstrut wine-growing region" on a poster.

To the website:

02.05.2022 in Altenburg

We present projects at the 1st Central German Bioeconomy Congress

Bioeconomy can make a decisive contribution to the structural change in the region and to the development of sustainable value chains. We are presenting our joint projects "Sustainable mulch mats on vineyards" and "Nutrient recovery from organic residues" to a broad audience on two posters. You will soon see the posters here too.

To the website:

We will be there on March 17 & 18 at the congress “Eco-Innovations with Biomass 2022”

As an international networking event, the congress promotes the exchange of knowledge on the bioeconomy. The in-person and online event is organized by the 3N Competence Center Lower Saxony.

You will find us in the poster exhibition and the company presentation


VDI Colloquium "How clean is our drinking water"

The “Energy and Environment” and “Process Engineering” working groups of the VDI Halle District Association invited members and interested parties to Sangerhausen for a colloquium on the topic “How clean is our drinking water?” GNS was involved in the organization and made a specialist contribution.

Our unsustainable agricultural and industrial production often leads to high levels of environmental pollution, the negative environmental effects of which often only become apparent after many decades. In her presentation, Dr. Bauermeister from GNS spoke about nitrate in groundwater as a problem for our drinking water treatment and possible solutions for reducing nitrate inputs from agriculture.

Other speeches reported on increasing pollution of natural springs and wells used for drinking water production and on drug residues in drinking water.


2nd online conference abonocare® Sustainable nutrient recycling from organic residues

Organic waste, liquid manure and sewage sludge are rich in nutrients and available in large quantities. These organic residues are a valuable resource that requires efficient and sustainable solutions to use. As a member of the abonocare® growth core, we are involved in the new developments. Join in the discussion about new approaches to nutrient recycling, the legal framework and the application potential of new types of fertilizer products at the online conference on July 6, 2021.

You can register for this free event here:


Lecture at the DFTA Symposium "Alternative Packaging Materials"

At the specialist symposium of the Flexodruck Fachverband eV (, Dr. Bauermeister presented the sustainable Magaverde® biofiber paper.

There is a great need to offer products in ecological packaging and to avoid the spread of microplastics in the environment. Our Magaverde® biofiber paper should therefore not only be sustainably produced and completely biodegradable, but also the printing inks and surface treatments used should be. The current status of our products and the challenges were presented.


Poster contribution by GNS to the online DBFZ annual conference on 16.09.2020

With the title “New plant nutrients and fiber products from residues from biogas plants” we presented current results from our EU project SYSTEMIC and the new product brand Magaverde at the 2020 annual meeting of the German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ-link below) in Leipzig.

DBFZ Annual Conference 2020, Conference Reader:


1st abonocare conference

GNS is part of the regional growth core abonocare®

Innovative power for the economic utilization of organic waste

Creation of closed technology and value chains from waste to product

The 1st abonocare conference aims to encourage intensive discourse between developers, users and authorities. In addition to exciting presentations, you can expect lively discussions and an exchange of ideas on innovations, new processes, technologies and current issues. Use the conference as an information exchange and networking platform in the field of organic waste recycling. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

To the lectures


Green hydrogen needs secure distribution networks, VDI colloquium on 15.01.2020

With the VDI on January 15, 2020 on site in Bitterfeld-Wolfen.

The "Energy and Environment" working group of the VDI Halle District Association started with a new management team and a tour of the HYPOS H2 network project on January 15, 2020 in Bitterfeld-Wolfen. In order to achieve the ambitious goals of the energy transition, technologies for the generation, storage and transport of energy must be developed. In addition to the existing natural gas infrastructure, additional supply infrastructure for green hydrogen will also be required. So far, however, there is little experience in the distribution of pure hydrogen. There are only a few hydrogen pipelines worldwide that consist exclusively of steel materials. On January 15, 2020, the "Energy and Environment" working group of the Halle District Association of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) invited people to a tour of the "H2 network" project in the HYPOS research network in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, which focuses on the testing of plastic pipelines, suitability for modern installation methods, the connection and supply of a hydrogen consumer and the distribution network structure including safety technology. The twenty-eight participants were able to inspect the installed test technology:

In an installed distribution network made of plastic pipes, hydrogen is passed through in a partial flow.

Various odorization methods are tested in an odorization plant.

The tightness of the pipes is measured using a permeation measuring shaft.

End users such as a fuel cell are tested using a test container.

The "Environmental Technology" working group in the VDI Halle district association has started new activities after a long break and under the name "Energy and Environment". Our employee, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Meier, has taken over the management of the working group together with Ms. Dipl.-Ing. Sigrid Klein. This means that GNS is once again becoming more involved in Halle after a large number of international activities.


GNS at the Biogas Congress 2019, 03./04.12.2019 in St. Pölten

At the annual biogas congress of the Compost & Biogas Association Austria, Thomas Meier presented the FaserPlus process for nutrient recovery from fermentation residues and the results of sustainable fiber production from fermentation products.

August 2019

Companies introduce themselves, August 2019

GNS has had its headquarters in the Technology and Startup Center in Halle (Saale) on the Weinberg Campus since 2012. The Weinberg Campus technology park is an excellent location for us as an innovative technology company. It offers us good opportunities to network with other companies and scientific institutes. We were able to present our company in an interview on the technology park's platform.

September 2019

Nutrients from fermentation products, specialist article in the environmental magazine September 2019

Ways to recover nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from organic waste and fermentation residues are in demand. A plant in Lower Saxony produces mineral nitrogen fertilizers, high-quality fibers and phosphoric fractions.


World improvers from Halle, newspaper article about the SYSTEMIC meeting in Halle, 07.06.2019

Newspaper article in the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung from June 7, 2019 about the meeting of the EU project SYSTEMIC in Halle, which was organized by GNS.


Nutrient Recovery International, specialist article in "Energy from Plants" 4/2019

Technical article by GNS in the specialist magazine "Energy from Plants" Volume 23, Issue 4, 2019.


Future Workshop Rural Bioeconomy, 26.09.2018

With a keynote speech on new value chains for biogas plants, GNS answered questions from practitioners on September 26, 2018 in Unsleben (Rhöhn-Grabfeld). Further dates followed in October 2018 to March 2019. The joint project "Potential fields of a rural bioeconomy" by the IÖW and IfaS is dedicated to the evaluation and development of concrete value chains of a rural bioeconomy.

Regional workshops and a final workshop were held at several locations in Germany, where GNS was present with specialist presentations and as a discussion partner.On the Rural Bioeconomy


Biogas Conference in Heiden, 30.08.2018

GNS will be presenting itself at the biogas conference in Heiden on August 30, 2018. We will be giving a presentation on the topic of biogas from straw, presenting our FiberPlus process with current results. At the accompanying exhibition, we can provide you with expert advice on all questions relating to digestate processing and new opportunities for value creation for biogas plants.

05. – 07.04.2017

GNS with the TKoR network at terratec, 05. – 07.04.2017

To the website:

To the website:

A highlight of the trade fair appearance was the visit of the Saxon State Minister for the Environment and Agriculture, Thomas Schmidt, to the TKoR network stand. On April 7, 2017, State Minister Schmidt learned about the work of the network from Dr. Ute Bauermeister, GNS GmbH, Dr. Gerd Arnold, evermind GmbH, and Claudyn Kidszun, LAV GmbH. From April 5 to 7, 2017, 3,200 trade visitors came to the glass hall of the Leipzig Trade Fair to find out about current topics and innovations at terratec and to make contacts with other industry representatives. 128 exhibitors from six countries took part in the high-caliber specialist program and the exhibition, including numerous well-known manufacturers and institutions in the waste and recycling sectors.

Thomas Schmidt, Saxon State Minister for the Environment and Agriculture, Claudyn Kidszun, LAV GmbH, Dr. Ute Bauermeister, GNS GmbH, and Dr. Gerd Arnold, evermind GmbH, in conversation at the TKoR network stand at the terratec in Leipzig (from left to right). - Photo: evermind GmbH/Georg Drabner

The TKoR network participated with great success in the terratec trade fair in Leipzig. The technology and competence center for organic waste recycling, managed by Leipzig-based evermind GmbH, was represented with its own stand at the trade fair for waste disposal, recycling and resource management.

October 18 to 20, 2016 in Glasgow

The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy, 18. – 20.10. 2016

We will be represented at the BioEconomy Cluster Central Germany stand at the 9th EFIB Forum and Exhibition from October 18 to 20, 2016. The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy EFIB is one of the most important events for bioeconomy and bio-based industry in Europe, where business, politics and biotechnology meet. More than 650 participants from 34 nations are expected.

Over three days, decision-makers, brand owners and biotechnology experts present themselves, discuss the latest developments in the industry and establish international and interdisciplinary contacts. More than 100 lectures and pre-event workshops convey approaches to expanding the bio-based economy and pursuing new technological

We will provide information on the following topics at the BioEconomy Cluster stand:

Fiber production from biogas plants can be applied on a large scale

Bio-Economy cluster project Biogas-Fiber-Plus successfully completed ...Learn more about fiber production from biogas plants

New Projects & Project Info

July 2024

Innovation in 3D printing: Sustainable insulation and absorption panels made of natural fibers

A consortium of three companies and a university has launched a groundbreaking project as part of the ZIM program (Central Innovation Program for SMEs) to develop flexible, sustainable insulation and absorption panels. The project is funded by the ZIM program and combines the expertise of GNS, Additivum, Lithium Designers GmbH and the Institute for Printing Machines and Printing Processes (IDD) at TU Darmstadt.

The project “Development of flexible insulation and absorption panels made of sustainable natural fibers using additive manufacturing and parametric design” represents a significant step towards sustainable construction innovations and underlines the importance of interdisciplinary cooperation. Source: Lithium Designers GmbH

Ein 3D-Drucker steht auf einem Tisch in einem Raum.
June 2024

student internships

In our R&D projects, we offer student and professional internships in the field of sustainable products and processes in the bioeconomy. For example, we offer tasks in the area of developing bio-based reaction mixtures for use in 3D printing. In laboratory experiments, you can sometimes experience surprisingly beautiful things, such as this spontaneous star-like folding of an oily mass. The aim is to transfer development work from the laboratory to the pilot plant scale.

We offer supervision of bachelor's and master's theses. Please contact us.

We look forward to receiving your application at

Ein durchsichtiger Plastikbehälter mit einer gelben Flüssigkeit darin
December 2023

More energy from digested sludge - advice for sewage treatment plants

Municipal sewage treatment plants are increasingly interested in reducing their energy requirements for wastewater treatment and sludge treatment and in covering them more through their own energy generation from sewage sludge digestion. The possibilities are diverse, but numerous process engineering tasks must also be solved to exploit this potential.

A first step is to investigate the residual gas potential, which we determine in our laboratory in fermentation tests. An energy balance is also the basis for evaluating various technical variants of process optimization. Co-fermentation or high-load digestion also offer opportunities for increasing efficiency.

Ein großes grünes Gebäude mit einer Kuppel darauf

Joint project for chemical production at biogas plants started, 02-2023

Our team is looking forward to collaborating on this project, where we will conduct and coordinate the process engineering, economic and environmental assessment for implementation on an industrial scale.

Researchers from the German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ) and the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) have developed the process in which valuable organic acids are extracted from residual materials before use in a biogas plant and processed into sustainable products. This is now being scaled up to a pilot scale together with industrial partners in the "CapUp" project.

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK).

Other industrial partners: BALANCE Erneuerbare Energien GmbH, VNG AG, Fuchs Lubricants Co., Kelterei Sachsenobst GmbH

F&E Project

To the website:

Eine Gruppe von Menschen posiert in einem Labor für ein Foto.

abonocare@ alliance completes R&D phase with demonstrators, Dec. 2022

Organic waste is turned into sustainable fertilizers.

In the abonocare® alliance, we have worked in recent years with partners from industry and research on innovative solutions for making previously lost nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus usable. Together with other companies, we have been able to show that new, environmentally and resource-friendly technologies can be used to create economic value chains and sustainable fertilizer products and make them available again for agricultural production. Circular agriculture can therefore be efficient, protect the environment and also help reduce CO2 emissions.

To the website:

In einer Fabrik ist ein großer Metallzylinder von Rohren umgeben
Ein Haufen schwarzer Pellets auf einer weißen Oberfläche.

It is the time of the grape harvest in the model project, 09-2022

Our model project on sustainable viticulture is entering its final round. With the yield measurements of the vines, the scientific studies on the effect of Magaverde mulch paper on the vineyard in Freyburg-Unstrut will now be completed over two years (2021/2022).

One thing is certain: the biodegradable mulch paper reduces weed growth, keeps the soil moist for longer and improves the vitality and yield of the vines. Over the past two years, we have had a good working relationship with the winegrowers and have been able to incorporate their experience into our product development.

The project is funded by the BMWK as part of the model project "Unternehmen Revier".

Ein Weinberg mit einem Solarpanel in der Mitte
Eine Weintraube, die an einem Weinstock in einem Weinberg hängt.

Successful start to the season in the vineyard with mulch mats against weeds, 05-2021

Many thousands of mats already delivered in Germany and France!

At the end of April, the Freyburg-Unstrut winegrowers' association began laying the first sustainable Magaverde® mulch mats and mulch papers in the model project "Sustainable winegrowing in the Saale-Unstrut winegrowing region" (funded by the federal "Unternehmen Revier" program). The material laid out under the vines is intended to be used particularly on steep slopes and effectively prevent weed growth. At the same time, rainwater is directed directly to the vine trunk, seeps through the mats, keeps the soil moist and protects it from drying out. The use of herbicides such as glyphosate is no longer necessary.

The project has already attracted a lot of attention and many interested parties. There is also great interest on Lake Constance and in various French regions such as Champagne. We are particularly pleased about the collaboration with the German-French Societies (DFG) in Friedrichshafen and Halle (Saale). In autumn 2021, the DFG Halle will organize a German-French exchange of experiences on "Green Paths of Viticulture" (funded by the German-French Citizens' Fund "Fonds Citoyen Franco-Allemand").

Ein Mann kniet auf einer Wiese neben einem Zaun.
Ein Stück Pappe liegt neben einem Baum auf dem Boden.

Magaverde® biofiber paper is an input for organic farming, 02-2021

FiBL has confirmed that our Magaverde biofiber paper meets the requirements for use in organic farming, in accordance with the "Regulation (EC) 834/2007" directive. The sustainable, biodegradable products such as mulch paper and plant pots for agriculture & horticulture as well as packaging are based on process and product developments by GNS.

In einem Zimmer stehen mehrere Töpfe auf einem Regal.

Waste assessment with waste profiles in the IPA portal, 01-2021

How can you quickly find out whether an empty gas cylinder is hazardous waste and where should you put it? You can find the answer in the Waste Assessment Information Portal (IPA). To ensure that this information is always up to date, it is regularly updated. The waste profile "1605 and 1501 Gases in pressure vessels and used chemicals - Gases" was revised by GNS on behalf of the Baden-Württemberg State Agency for the Environment (LUBW) and is now online. We have already revised several such profiles for the IPA portal.

Eine Collage aus Bildern verschiedener Arten von Gasflaschen

Launch of the Magaverde platform for sustainable products and packaging, 10-2020

Magaverde biofiber products help prevent microplastics in the environment, conserve natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, are completely biodegradable and can be recycled. A wide range of products and packaging can be produced using paper production and fiber processing processes. Visit our website and become a partner or customer.

We are now offering our sustainable products made from regional natural materials from an environmentally friendly cascade and circular economy together with partners on our new platform

Towards a circular economy with tested technologies, 09-2019

In the EU project SYSTEMIC, GNS is demonstrating innovative technologies for the recovery of plant nutrients from biogenic waste. At five demonstration sites across Europe, the SYSTEMIC project is showing new approaches for the utilization of biowaste to produce energy, secondary raw materials, fertilizers and organic soil improvers. With the FiberPlus plant at the BENAS biogas plant, GNS has been involved as one of the five demonstration sites since 2017.

Find out more about the novel nutrient recovery technologies on the project website and subscribe to the newsletter.These pioneering plants play a crucial role in evaluating the new technologies for closing the loop. SYSTEMIC will promote the implementation of circular processes for biowaste in Europe.New video from Systemic: Watch the videoOr directly on YouTube

Fiber production from biogas plants applicable on a large scale, 06-2018

The BioEconomy cluster project BiogasFaserPlus, led by GNS, has been successfully completed. After intensive research on pilot devices, the existing GNS digestate treatment plant at the BENAS Ottersberg biogas plant was converted to a FaserPlus plant and operated continuously with 8 to 10 t/h of digestate for many months with a high level of operational reliability.

First sample batch production of biogas fibers, 06-2016

joint project Biogas-Fiber-Plus

After various technical adjustments to the equipment and settings, the pilot plant for ammonia removal from fibrous fermentation residues could be operated continuously with a throughput of 2 m³/h. Sample batches of biogas fibers were produced and handed over to the partner Kronospan. The first sample panels were produced from these biogas fibers. The material properties are now being investigated.

In parallel to the test operation of the pilot plant, extensive physical and chemical investigations were carried out on fermentation residues and factors influencing technical treatment steps on the fiber quality. The pilot plant will be further optimized on this basis. It is planned to use the optimized pilot plant to deliver another sample batch of biogas fibers to Kronospan at the end of August/beginning of September 2016.Cluster News

Ein Bild von einem Kieshaufen neben einem Bild einer Maschine.

Start of the joint project for the development of high-quality materials from biogas fibers in the BMBF's BioEconomy excellence cluster, 04-2015

The project kick-off meeting took place on April 16, 2015 in Halle/Saale at GNS mbH, the research network coordinator. The project volume is 2.6 million euros and will run for 1.5 years.

To the Bio-Economy website

From fermentation product to wood material - an innovative use of fermentation products, 10-2014

The final presentation of the project "Material use of lignocellulose-containing fermentation products for wood materials" took place in Cologne on September 9, 2014. This demonstrated the technical and economic feasibility of the material use of fiber-containing residues from biogas production in the production of chipboard and fiberboard as well as laminate.

Efficient fertilizer management with new fertilizer products from fermentation residues

Transporting fermentation residues over long distances can be expensive. The production of transportable mineral fertilizers opens up new ways for cost-effective and low-emission N, P fertilizer management. At our fermentation residue processing plants, around 320 kg/d of ammonium nitrogen are removed from 100 m³/d of fermentation residue. This produces 5.5 m³ of ammonium sulfate fertilizer and 1.6 t of carbonate lime fertilizer. Apart from inexpensive REA gypsum, no additives are used for this. Both products are approved fertilizers according to DüMV and are produced in consistent quality.

The ammonium sulfate solution - ASL is suitable as a combined N/S fertilizer for all agricultural crops. The possibility of foliar spraying is particularly interesting, as no caustic effect is to be expected with our product. It can also be used in mixtures with other liquid fertilizers and plant protection products. Carbonate lime is effective in the long term and is particularly suitable for liming and raising the pH value of light and medium-heavy soils. It therefore supports the nutrient utilization of other fertilizers. Due to the adhering ASL, the lime contains an additional fertilizer value of nitrogen and sulfur.

In einer Garage steht ein blau-weißer Traktor.
Eine Flasche Wasser und eine Schüssel Pulver stehen im Gras.


Certificate as a supervisor at Jugend forscht 2023

It is important to us to introduce young people to engineering and natural sciences (STEM subjects) and, in particular, to support the scientific approach to practical tasks and problem solving. Every year, we supervise student internships and bachelor's and master's theses.

In 2023, we also took part for the first time as supervisors at Jugend forscht Sachsen-Anhalt and supported a student in a project in the field of technology for over a year, who defended this with prizes for the project "Biofibers as packaging material".

Ein Zertifikat mit einem Stern darauf, auf dem steht: Urkunde

Certificate for Climate Management 2022

The requirements of climate protection and sustainability go hand in hand. We as the GNS team always keep an eye on these requirements for our customers. We have 30 years of experience in preparing GHG balances and life cycle assessments for processes and products.

In April 2022, we expanded our knowledge to include the current requirements and standards of carbon footprint and climate neutrality, certified by the GUTcert Academy. This means we can now offer our customers even more support in climate management and sustainable product and process development. We help you create and verify the carbon footprint of companies, processes and products, but also with greenhouse gas balances, life cycle assessments and sub-areas such as recyclability.

seal of quality "Innovative through Research"

The Donors' Association for German Science has been honoring GNS's research work with the "Innovative through Research" seal of approval since 2014. Website:

Eine Plakette mit der Aufschrift „Innovativ durch Forschung“.

Prize of the Environmental Alliance Saxony-Anhalt 2016

Ceremony at the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau

On November 17, 2016, the winners of the competition for the 2016 Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Alliance Prize were announced and awarded at the ceremony at the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau. We were awarded first prize in the "Concepts and Projects" category for our "FaserPlus" digestate processing system. The prize was presented by the current state environment minister, Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert. The Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Alliance was formed in 1999 as a voluntary agreement between the state government and industry. The alliance is under the patronage of the Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt.

Presentation of GNS for the Environmental Alliance Award 2016

Watch the presentation on Youtube

Eine Gruppe von Menschen steht nebeneinander und hält einen großen Scheck in den Händen.
Eine klare Acryltrophäe mit der Nummer 2 darauf

Hugo Junkers Prize Saxony-Anhalt 2014

On December 15, 2014, we received the third prize for research and innovation from Saxony-Anhalt in the resource efficiency category for the development of our process for digestate processing. The process enables operators of biogas plants to remove nitrogen from digestate without adding chemicals and to produce mineral fertilizer. This reduces ammonia emissions from biogas plants and digestate and prevents groundwater from being contaminated with nitrate.

Ein grün-blaues Logo für Hugo Junkers Preis
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