Carrying out batch fermentation tests according to VDI 4630 with prior ensiling of freshly harvested substrates such as maize and sorghum with evaluation of fermentation quality and biogas potential.
Preliminary process planning for the fermentation of spent grains with recovery of nutrients and biofibers.
Technical support of the use of a wood-based compost screen overflow in pyrolysis with evaluation of the usability and quality of the produced biochar and fuel gas.
Expert assessment of the material suitability and legal approval requirements of new input materials in biowaste fermentation.
Accompanying and supporting the BENAS Group in setting up production and product development/testing for Magaverde® biofiber products at the BENAS biogas plant site (Ottersberg). The installed production capacity for cast fiber products is 2,500 t/a and for paper 6,500 t/a.
study commissioned by a private person
Expert report of an installed digestate dewatering plant.
Report examining the utilization and marketing of secondary fertilizers and products from liquid manure/digestate processing.
Assessment and development of a treatment concept for wastewater from a paper production plant.
Revision of waste profiles for the information portal on waste assessment IPA on behalf of the federal government and the states.
Study to ensure the proper disposal of old medicines in the Free State of Saxony.
Fermentation tests to demonstrate the digestion effect in treated and untreated fermentation residues.
Investigations into the separation of a phosphorus-rich organic solid fertilizer from digestate.
Analyses and investigations on wastewater treatment from paper production.
Assessment of a pyrolysis of plastic waste and a waste oil processing plant to produce fuels.
Emission assessment of a biorefinery plant for waste fermentation with total treatment of the fermentation residues.
Recycling testing of by-products from a waste fermentation plant.
Preliminary planning for the energetic use of solid fermentation residues from a waste fermentation plant.
Preliminary planning for the energetic use of solid fermentation residues from a waste fermentation plant.
Laboratory investigation and suitability testing of solid fermentation residues as fuel.
Collection, analysis and classification of waste according to waste code numbers and waste quantities for disposal during the renovation of a high-rise building.
Feasibility Study on sludge water treatment and development of a technical solution concept
Engineering and support for the conversion, commissioning and optimization of a wood gasification plant with increased efficiency through GNS catalysis.
Investigation of by-products with regard to their usability.
Fermentation tests to investigate the effects of co-fermentation of a residue from a landfill leachate treatment with digested sludge, flocculation and post-treatment of the digested sludge.
Study to develop the basis for a waste prevention contribution by the state of Saxony-Anhalt - prevention of food waste.
Fermentation tests to investigate the effect of a lignin digestion preparation. Investigations into the separation of phosphorus from fermentation residues.
Laboratory studies on the removal of nutrients from digestate.
Laboratory studies on the reduction of salt crust formation and the reduction of salt loads in the percolate of a biological waste treatment.
Process engineering advice on the removal of nutrients from digestate.
Process engineering advice on reducing the formation of salt crusts and reducing salt loads in the percolate of a biological waste treatment
The individual planning concept was created in 2007, taking into account the specifics on site and using existing containers and units. The technical implementation was carried out by the plant operator himself. The large-scale functionality of the process was demonstrated in practical operation on the fully automated digestate treatment plant. Long-term experience with the use of a lot of poultry manure with recycling of the N-reduced digestate since 2011. 2016 Testing of the FaserPlus process for co-treating the biogas fibers (separation after stripping). Location: Ottersberg near Bremen, Client/Partner: BENAS-Biogasanlage GmbH
Process evaluation and preliminary planning for the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from the digestate of a food waste fermentation plant (3.2 MWel, 80,000 t/a input) up to the production of nutrient-poor process water.
Preparation of a technology overview "General Assessment of Advanced Conversion Technologies by Gasification / Pyrolysis".
Chemical-technical assessment of plants for thermo-chemical waste treatment with balancing and evaluation of emissions.
Chemical-technical assessment and scientific-technical support of a process for producing fuel from waste plastics.
Collection of analysis data on hazardous waste with additions to the waste analysis database ABANDA and review of the classification on behalf of the State Office for Environmental Protection of Saxony-Anhalt.
Increasing the efficiency of gas production from wood through GNS catalysis and tests on catalytic engine exhaust gas purification
After the ammonium nitrogen has been removed, 70% of the liquid fermentation residues are returned to the biogas plant. The high proportion of nitrogen that enters the biogas plant with the poultry manure can thus be almost completely removed from the process and converted into mineral fertilizers. Heat recovery from the fermentation residue treatment can also supply the neighboring chicken fattening farm with heat. Location: Saxony-Anhalt, Röblingen am See, Plant manufacturer: AIM Technical Solutions GmbH, Timelkam (A)
Determination and evaluation of potentials of straw-containing biomass for a plant site in Germany.
Study commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Saxony-Anhalt
Partial study within the framework of the project: “Implementation of the circular economy in the rubber processing industry” of the interest group Kunststoffrecycling Sachsen eV (IG KURIS)
Partial study in the joint project “Substitution of glass fibers in injection molded parts by plant fibers – development of a technological line”, funded by the DBU