Our processes and products are our own development and are “ready to use”. We would like to introduce you to our processes and products, which can be used directly in practice.
With the FiberPlus process, we can produce mineral fertilizers and valuable materials from fermentation residues. The recovery of plant nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus from fermentation residues from agricultural biogas plants and waste fermentation plants or sewage treatment plants is important in order to close material cycles and reduce negative environmental impacts such as nitrate pollution in groundwater. The treatment of fermentation residues using the FiberPlus process reduces emissions and produces valuable materials.
Modified stripping process in which the ammonium nitrogen is removed from fermentation residues using CHP waste heat without any use of alkalis, acids, other chemicals or external stripping media. Binding of the nitrogen preferably with inexpensive FGD gypsum to produce ammonium sulfate solution and calcium carbonate as approved mineral fertilizers.
Robust and low-maintenance
Low operating costs
Low energy consumption
Large-scale practice since 2008
Hygienizing effect and digestion effect
Avoiding ammonia inhibition in the fermenter
Optimal precursor for total treatment to pure water
Phosphorus-rich organic fertilizer
Purified organic fibers
After energy has been generated in the biogas plant and fertilizer has been produced in the FiberPlus plant, the remaining lignocellulose fibers are processed from plant residues into sustainable Magaverde® biofiber products.
Free of pollutants and odorless thanks to innovative and unique processing process
Completely biodegradable, contributing to humus formation
Manufactured from selected residues from bioenergy production in environmentally friendly circular and cascade processes
Agriculture and horticulture as mulch fleece for weed control, as plant pot, as humus and nutrient supplier
Ecological packaging such as carrier bags, bags, cardboard boxes, shipping boxes, gift packaging, transport protection
Visit us on our Magaverde website
The catalysts developed by GNS are used for the targeted control of thermal and thermochemical processes. This increases the efficiency of the conversion and reduces environmental pollution through emissions and waste. In particular, we have specialized in the use of inexpensive and heavy metal-free consumption catalysts.
In order to make the potential of biomass gasification for decentralized heat and power generation more usable on the market, the advantages must be realized through higher efficiencies and lower emissions. By controlling the reaction catalytically, we can reduce tar formation and lower the threshold temperature in biomass gasification, as well as speed up the gasification reactions. The result is an energetically optimal utilization of the chemical energy of the biomass with reduced partial combustion and the use of internal heat sources (partially allothermal process).
Maximum gasification efficiency
minimizing tar formation
minimizing losses
Suitability for fixed and fluidized bed
optimization of existing systems
gasification and afterburning catalysts
Visit us on our Magaverde website
Natural catalysts for fast and smoke-free grilling. The Grillspeed catalyst is a product of our many years of experience with catalysts in thermo-chemical processes. Its effectiveness has been proven in numerous scientific studies and tested in practice in the B2B sector.
The mineral-based Grillspeed catalyst promotes a quick and even glow of the charcoal with minimal smoke development. You can start putting the food on the grill much sooner after lighting it. The food is cooked faster and more evenly. This leads to a particularly good grilling result. The Grillspeed catalyst is non-toxic and does not harm the environment. We also offer the use and application completely under license.
Preliminary process planning for the fermentation of spent grains with recovery of nutrients and biofibers.
Accompanying and supporting the BENAS Group in setting up production and product development/testing for Magaverde® biofiber products at the BENAS biogas plant site (Ottersberg). The installed production capacity for cast fiber products is 2,500 t/a and for paper 6,500 t/a.
Preliminary planning for the energetic use of solid fermentation residues from a waste fermentation plant
Engineering and support for the conversion, commissioning and optimization of a wood gasification plant with increased efficiency through GNS catalysis.
The individual planning concept was created in 2007, taking into account the specifics on site and using existing containers and units. The technical implementation was carried out by the plant operator himself. The large-scale functionality of the process was demonstrated in practical operation on the fully automated digestate treatment plant. Long-term experience with the use of a lot of poultry manure with recycling of the N-reduced digestate since 2011. 2016 Testing of the FaserPlus process for co-treating the biogas fibers (separation after stripping). Location: Ottersberg near Bremen, Client/Partner: BENAS-Biogasanlage GmbH
Process evaluation and preliminary planning for the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from the digestate of a food waste fermentation plant (3.2 MWel, 80,000 t/a input) up to the production of nutrient-poor process water.
Increasing the efficiency of gas production from wood through GNS catalysis and tests on catalytic engine exhaust gas purification
After the ammonium nitrogen has been removed, 70% of the liquid fermentation residues are returned to the biogas plant. The high proportion of nitrogen that enters the biogas plant with the poultry manure can thus be almost completely removed from the process and converted into mineral fertilizers. Heat recovery from the fermentation residue treatment can also supply the neighboring chicken fattening farm with heat. Location: Saxony-Anhalt, Röblingen am See, Plant manufacturer: AIM Technical Solutions GmbH, Timelkam (A)
Food waste fermentation plant, UK
Food waste fermentation plant, USA
Plant for the fermentation of chicken manure, USA
Plant for the fermentation of chicken manure, Poland