We at GNS are your partner when it comes to process engineering assessments, tests and reports - especially for new processes for biomass conversion, residual and waste utilization and valuable material recovery. We prepare independent reports and technical due diligence for investment projects. In addition, we carry out ecological, environmental and economic assessments of processes, products, residual materials, waste and emissions.
Thermochemical processes such as pyrolysis, gasification, direct liquefaction, hydrothermal carbonization (HTC)
Biochemical processes such as fermentation of biomass and waste
Physical-chemical, chemical and mechanical processes such as treatment of fermentation residues, waste water and ashes
Investigation of process combinations for the recovery of valuable materials and the closure of material and energy cycles
Potential assessment of biomass, residues and waste
Suitability assessment of biomass, residues and waste
Assessment of emissions and pollutants as well as recyclable and hazardous waste
Material and energy balancing
Assessment according to the state of knowledge and technology
Accompanying analyses and investigations
process optimization and engineering
Expert assessment of the material suitability and legal approval requirements of new input materials in biowaste fermentation
Expert report of an installed digestate dewatering plant
Report examining the utilization and marketing of secondary fertilizers and products from liquid manure/digestate processing.
Assessment and development of a treatment concept for wastewater from a paper production plant.
Revision of waste profiles for the information portal on waste assessment IPA on behalf of the federal government and the states.
Assessment of a pyrolysis of plastic waste and a waste oil processing plant to produce fuels.
Emission assessment of a biorefinery plant for waste fermentation with total treatment of the fermentation residues.
Collection, analysis and classification of waste according to waste code numbers and waste quantities for disposal during the renovation of a high-rise building.
Chemical-technical assessment of plants for thermo-chemical waste treatment with balancing and evaluation of emissions.
Chemical-technical assessment and scientific-technical support of a process for producing fuel from waste plastics.
Collection of analysis data on hazardous waste with additions to the waste analysis database ABANDA and review of the classification on behalf of the State Office for Environmental Protection of Saxony-Anhalt.